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原创性一直是Holylite祥采科技所坚持的,从产品的发想,设计,模拟,实验到最后的产品应用规划都是自行完成。自Holylite祥采科技设计了台湾第一个语音辨识IC后,没有停下脚步,陆续开发了世界第一个红外线脉搏感测IC,手持电极式脉搏感测IC,更研发了台湾第一个电容式触控IC并13.36MHz RFID IC .
随着消费市场的转变,使用者介面并企业伙伴间的行销整合已成为重要的议题。因此Holylite祥采科技在产品开发设计时,除了考量产品的原创性,更考量消费市场的需求与合作伙伴与推广产品时所面临的各种情形。Holylite祥采科技保持着谦卑的心,宝贵每个您所给予的建议并寻求与您合作的机会 。
Innovation is one of the HolyLite’s core values. Since HolyLite has been established in 1989, we have dedicated in developing analog and digital IC for different kinds of applications.
Holylite always insists with none-reverse design, we have the whole process from idea generation to products application all by ourselves. Since Holylite has made the first one Speech recognition IC in Taiwan, we continued going forward and developing the first one infrared heart pulse detector IC, hand-held heart pulse detector IC in the world and the first one touch sensor IC, 13.36MHz RFID IC in Taiwan.
As times change, human interface and integrated marketing had developed and had been the trend in the recent years. For this reason, we research comprehensive and easy-operated solutions to meet your needs and find out chances for business collaboration. Thinking about new designs that would inspire innovation and change our lives would always be a challenge for us. You could find more product information on our website. We value any suggestions or comments.
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